
GreenLightGo 2024

GreenLightGo Engine is a custom-built game engine developed using Go, leveraging the powerful go-gl and GLFW libraries. Designed to provide a robust and flexible foundation for 3D game development, this engine focuses on simplicity, performance, and ease of use.

Cross-Platform Compatibility: Built with GLFW, ensuring smooth performance across Windows, macOS, and Linux.

OpenGL Integration: Utilizing go-gl for efficient rendering and graphics processing.

Lightweight and Efficient: Optimized for high performance with minimal overhead, ideal for both small and large-scale projects.

Modular Design: Easy to extend and customize with a modular architecture, allowing developers to add or modify components as needed.

Early Development Stage: While in its early stages, the GreenLightGo Engine already supports basic 3D rendering, input handling, and window management.

Check out go-gl to see the OpenGL bindings library for Golang!

GreenLightGo is open source and can be found on my GitHub!

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