
Dream Requiem 2024

Dream Requiem Engine is a custom-built game engine developed using C#, leveraging the powerful MonoGame framework. Designed to provide a robust and flexible foundation for psuedo-3D game development, this engine focuses on simplicity, performance, and ease of use.

Cross-Platform Compatibility: Built with GLFW, ensuring smooth performance across Windows, macOS, and Linux.

MonoGame Framework: Utilizing MonoGame for efficient rendering and graphics processing.

Lightweight and Efficient: Optimized for high performance with minimal overhead, ideal for both small and large-scale projects.

Modular Design: Easy to extend and customize with a modular architecture, allowing developers to add or modify components as needed.

Early Development Stage: While in its early stages, the GreenLightGo Engine already supports basic 3D rendering, input handling, and window management.

Check out MonoGame to see the OpenGL bindings library for Golang!

DreamRequiem is open source and can be found on my GitHub!

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